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Objective To retrospectively analyze the relationship between curve types and clinical results in surgical treatment of scoliosis in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1).Methods Forty-five patients with scoliosis resulting from NF-1 were treated surgically from 1984 to 2002. Mean age at operation was 14.2 years. There were 6 nondystrophic curves and 39 dystrophic curves depended on their radiographic features. According to their apical vertebrae location, the dystrophic curves were divided into three subgroups: thoracic curve (apical vertebra at T8 or above), thoracolumbar curve (apical vertebra below T8 and above L1), and lumber curve (apical vertebra at L1 and below). Posterior spine fusion, combined anterior and posterior spine fusion were administrated based on the type and location of the curves. Mean follow-up was 6.8 years. Clinical and radiological manifestations were investigated and results were assessed.Results Three patients with muscle weakness of low extremities recovered entirely. Two patients with dystrophic lumbar curve maintained their low back pain the same as preoperatively. The mean coronal and sagittal Cobb′s angle in nondystrophic curves was 80.3° and 61.7° before operation, 30.7° and 36.9° after operation, and 32.9° and 42.1° at follow-up,respectively. In dystrophic thoracic curves, preoperative Cobbs angle in coronal and sagittal plane was 96.5° and 79.8°,postoperative 49.3°and 41.7°, follow-up 54.1° and 45.3°, respectively. In thoracolumbar curves, preoperative Cobbs angle in coronal and sagittal plane was 75.0° and 47.5°, postoperative 31.2° and 22.8°, follow-up 37.5° and 27.8°, respectively. In lumbar curves preoperative Cobbs angle in coronal plane was 55.3°, postoperative 19.3°, and follow-up 32.1 °. Six patients with dystrophic curves had his or her curve deteriorated more than 10 degrees at follow-up. Three of them were in the thoracic subgroup and their kyphosis was larger than 95 degrees, and three in lumbar subgroup. Hardware failure occurred in 3cases. Six patients had 7 revision procedures totally.Conclusions Posterior spinal fusion is effective for most dystrophic thoracic curves in patients whose kyphosis is less than 95 degrees. Combined anterior and posterior spinal fusion is stronger recommended for patients whose kyphosis is larger than 95 degrees and those whose apical vertebra is located below T8. Patients should be informed that repeated spine fusion might be necessary even after combined anterior and posterior spine fusion.
目的 通过对自然流产患者血栓前状态的相关血栓标志物进行筛查,评估其发病规律及高危因子,提供有效的预防及治疗方案.方法 将1300例自然流产患者按流产次数分为1次、2次、3次
一、技工院校会计专业教学存在的问题  1.缺乏会计类专业实践性教学  现如今,很多技工院校只注重理论知识,往往会忽略实践性的教学模式。尤其是一些设施设备完善、师资力量雄厚的技工院校,对学生的社会实践没有过多的要求。对学生的考核,通常还停留在与初中教学考核模式一样的阶段,将考试作为学生的最终考核成绩。并且,很多技工院校的教师认为会计教学无非就是将会计知识传授给学生,并且开展相应的课程,通常会忽略对学
摘要:近年来,行为习惯养成方面的教育已经引起人们的关注,特别是在学前教育这一阶段。为了保证学生的未来有好的前途。这不仅仅是在学习中有好的发展,同时更为了孩子在以后的工作中能有更大的成就,所以我们必须要关注并做好学前教育的行为习惯养成方面的教育。  关键词:教育管理;行为习惯;培养方法  “凡人生所需之重要习惯性格态度多半可以在六岁之前培养成功”,这是我国著名的思想家陶行知所说过的一句话。可见幼儿时