Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a Copper Complex with Furaldehyde Salicylylhydrazone

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The copper complex Cu(C12H9N2O3)2 has been synthesized by the reaction of furaldehyde salicylylhydrazone (Hfs) and copper acetylacetonate and characterized by X-ray crystal diffraction and spectroscopic studies. The crystal crystallizes in space group P21/n with a = 5.9765(3), b = 15.7196(9), c = 12.0514(6) , β = 101.618(3)°, V = 1109.0(1) 3, C24H18CuN4O6, Mr = 521.96, Z = 2, Dc = 1.563 g/cm3, μ = 1.035 mm-1, F(000) = 534, R = 0.0373 and wR = 0.1058 for 2283 observed reflections (I > 2σ(I)). The copper atom has a square-planar CuN2O2 coordination and should be in an octahedral coordination if considering Cu–O (phenol) with distances of 2.796(2)  as weak bonds. The neighboring copper complex molecules are linked together by these weak Cu–O (phenol) bonds, resulting in an extended 1D chain. The title compound exhibits paramagnetic property and fluorescence behavior at room temperature supported by the EPR and fluorescence spectra. The copper complex Cu (C12H9N2O3) 2 has been synthesized by the reaction of furaldehyde salicylylhydrazone (Hfs) and copper acetylacetonate and characterized by X-ray crystal diffraction and space studies. The crystal crystallizes in space group P21 / n with a = 5.9765 , b = 15.7196 (9), c = 12.0514 (6) , β = 101.618 (3) °, V = 1109.0 (1) 3, C24H18CuN4O6, Mr = 521.96, Z = 2, Dc = 1.563 g / cm3 , μ = 1.035 mm-1, F (000) = 534, R = 0.0373 and wR = 0.1058 for 2283 observed reflections (I> 2σ (I)). The copper atom has a square-planar CuN2O2 coordination and should be an octahedral coordination if considering Cu-O (phenol) with distances of 2.796 (2) neighboring as weak bonds. The positioned copper complex molecules are linked together by these weak Cu-O (phenol) bonds, resulting in an extended 1D chain. compound exhibiting paramagnetic property and fluorescence behavior at room temperature supported by the EPR and fluorescence spectra.
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