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先正达ELATUS?Plus杀菌剂获法国登记近日,先正达的杀菌剂ELATUS?Plus获得法国登记批准,其含有先正达最新的酰胺类杀菌剂苯并烯氟菌唑(商品名Solatenol?)。这是Solatenol?产品在欧洲取得的第一个登记,使得ELATUS?Plus能够于今年在法国销售,还能够赶上2016~2017种植季。目前,Solatenol?产品的监管性提交正在全欧洲 Syngenta ELATUS? Plus fungicides have been registered in France Recently, Syngenta fungicide ELATUS? Plus access to the French registration of approval, which contains Syngenta’s latest amide bactericide benzofenazole (trade name Solatenol?) . This is the first Solavool® registration to be made in Europe, enabling ELATUS® Plus to be sold in France this year and to catch up with the 2016-2017 planting season. Regulatory filing of Solatenol® products is currently available throughout Europe
语言在发展过程中很少是自给自足的 ,世界上的数千种语言 ,很难指出哪一种语言是完全孤立的。民族间的贸易往来、文化交流、移民杂居、战争征服等各种形式的接触 ,都必然会引