2001年中国上海国际艺术节将于11月1日在上海大剧院隆重开幕。随后一直到12月1日整个活动期间,来自世界20多个国家和地区的56台优秀剧目在上海12个演出场所先后亮相。剧目品种齐全,芭蕾、现代舞、交响乐、室内乐、爵士乐、杂技、魔术、话剧、京剧、地方戏曲、歌剧、演唱会等令人目不暇接,其中国外和国内的节目各占一半。 本届艺术节有众多国内外著名的艺术团体、音乐家、指挥家躬逢其盛;参演剧目,好戏连台,好看必然。
2001 China Shanghai International Arts Festival will be held November 1 in Shanghai Grand Theater grand opening. Then until December 1 throughout the event, from the world more than 20 countries and regions in 56 outstanding repertory in Shanghai 12 venues have appeared. Variety of repertoire, ballet, modern dance, symphony, chamber music, jazz, acrobatics, magic, drama, Beijing opera, local opera, opera and other dizzying, of which foreign and domestic programs each half. This festival has many famous domestic and foreign art groups, musicians, conductors at its best; participating repertoire, good play even Taiwan, good-looking inevitable.