翻译何益之 “何君如此爱国志士,甘作无名英雄,其对抗战之功,实不可没!”—李宗仁回忆录 何君为谁?何益之系其本名也。 “九·一八”事变之后,举国上下,一片呼声,要求国民政府领导全国军民,奋起抗日,以雪国耻。然而“恐日症”在国民党军中“盛行”,尤以何应钦、汪精卫之流为烈。 李宗仁、白崇禧虽亦国民党高级将领,但能识大体、顾大局,在积极加紧两广军队的训练之余,还通过多种手段,摸清敌情,以便“对症下药”。 日本人把主攻力量,瞄准蒋介石,企图孤立蒋介
Translation He Yi of “He Jun so patriotic, willing to be anonymous heroes, their fight against the merits, must be!” - Li Zongren memoir He Jun whom? He Yi of the Department of its own name. After the “September 18 Incident”, the whole country called for a loud voice and demanded that the national government should lead the entire army and the people across the country and rise up to shamelessly fight Japan. However, “fear of Japanese disease” in the KMT army “prevalent”, especially He Yingqin, Wang Ching-wei as a fierce. Although Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi are high-ranking generals of the Kuomintang, they can understand the general situation and take care of the overall situation. While vigorously stepping up the training of the two broadguards and armed forces, they have also made use of various means to find out the enemy’s situation in order to “make the case right.” The Japanese aimed the main force at Chiang Kai-shek in an attempt to isolate Chiang Kai-shek