“他的点子就是多!”在兖矿集团济二矿,许多干部职工这样称道综机中心党支部书记朱桂。 朱桂,1985年参加工作,2001年担任济二矿综机中心党支部书记。自从他当了党支部书记之后,暗下决心:一定要把思想政治工作融入到区队安全管理中,多动脑筋多想点子,使安全工作常抓常新。“推、拉、抬、撬、支、卸”是综机中心的全部工作,井下从南到北,从西到东,无不有他们的职工,这给
“His idea is more!” In Yanji Mining Group II Mine, many cadres and workers commented that the integrated center branch secretary Zhu Gui. Zhu Gui joined the work in 1985, and served as Party branch secretary of Ji’nan Mine Integrated Machinery Center in 2001. Since he became party secretary, he secretly decided: We must integrate ideological and political work into the team safety management, think more about our ideas and make security work more often than noticed. “Push, pull, lift, pry, support, unloading” is all the work center of the integrated machine downhole from south to north, from west to east, all of them have their workers, which give