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视听教学法源于法国,以主张通过视听来学习外语并因而得名。它强调用耳朵,眼睛、脑等感官作为整体去感知,因此还被叫作整体结构法。视听法最大的贡献莫过于在外语教学中广泛使用声、光、电的现代化技术设备,把语言和形象结合的方法用于外语教学,使学生能调动大脑两半球的神经细胞积极活动,增加感性认识,加速语言的译码、传码过程。在墨西哥,汉语教学作为第二语言教学采用视听法教低年级和幼儿园的孩子,较传统单纯的老师讲解更容易吸引人的注意力。 Audio-visual pedagogy originated in France, in favor of learning foreign languages ​​through audio-visual and hence the name. It emphasizes the sensory perception of the ears, eyes, brain, etc. as a whole, and is therefore also called the overall structure method. The most important contribution of audio-visual method than in the foreign language teaching extensive use of sound, light, electricity, modern technology and equipment, the language and image of the method used in foreign language teaching, so that students can mobilize the brain cells of the two hemispheres of positive activity, increase emotional Understand, accelerate the language of decoding, encoding process. In Mexico, Chinese language teaching as a second language teaching children in lower grades and kindergartens of audio-visual education taught more easily and attractively than the traditional, pure-minded teachers.
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