Patient 1:20 years old, height 165cm, weight 64kg, gender, unmarried, because no menstruation and treatment. Physical examination: Adam’s apple bulge, with cleft palate, unclear pronunciation. Flat breasts, vulva women, pubic hair were female distribution, clitoris slightly larger, vestibular longitudinal split, hypospadias open in the perineum, labia majora palpable circular mass, about 2.5 × 3.0cm, quality and tough, postoperative pathology Check for testicular tissue, seminiferous tubules and epididymal basement membrane thickening, fewer spermatogenic cells, seminiferous tubules within the testis without sperm. B ultra-pelvic exploration: no sonogram. Laboratory hormone determination of 17-hydroxy, 17-ketone in the normal range. Blood F ~ oH-RIA12mlu / mL, LH-RIAgmlu / mL, T-RIA25pg / mL, E_2-RIA30pg / mL. Cytogenetic examination: chromosome karyotype 46, xy.