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医学科研能为医学科学的发展带来重要推动力,而综合性医院要想在竞争激烈的市场经济环境下持续发展,也要依靠科学研究的创新成果来增强医院的竞争实力。综合性医院的科研管理主要是优化配置人、财、物等有限资源,最大限度开展科学研究任务,全面推动医院的可持续发展。本文主要针对目前综合性医院科研管理的存在问题,深入探究科研管理改革的重要性,并提出相关有效建议。 Medical research can bring important impetus to the development of medical science. However, comprehensive hospitals need to rely on scientific research innovations to enhance the competitive strength of hospitals in order to sustain their development in a highly competitive market economy. Scientific research management in general hospitals mainly optimizes the allocation of limited resources such as people, money and materials, maximizes the scientific research tasks and promotes the sustainable development of the hospital in an all-round way. This article mainly aims at the existing problems in scientific research management of general hospitals, and probes deeply into the importance of scientific research management reform and puts forward relevant effective suggestions.
母女重逢 生母重疾是女儿的痛  朱淑兰是地道的重庆人,父亲朱裕和是重庆市长江机床厂的一名技术员,母亲易远珍是厂里的质检员。天生丽质的她从小成绩优异,能歌善舞,是父母手心里的一块宝。从重庆长江商学院外语系毕业后,朱淑兰应聘到市内一家外资公司工作。  2015年2月的一天下午,正在公司上班的朱淑兰接到一个电话,对方自称是她的一个远房亲戚,名叫柏玉梅,约她下班后在两江广场的咖啡厅见面。  下班后,朱淑兰