患者,女性,39岁。住院号:394333。因反复发作性呼吸困难伴喘息4年,加重2天于1989年8月21日入院。查体:体温36.8℃,脉搏110次/分,呼吸24次/分,血压16/10.8kPa (120/80mmHg)。端坐呼吸,唇绀,气管居中。胸廓呈桶状,双肺叩呈清音,听诊双肺满布哮鸣音。心、腹检查未见异常。胸片显示:慢性支气管炎、双肺肺气肿。实验室检查:白细胞16.6×10°L,中性粒细胞0.91,淋巴细胞0.09。血气分析:PH_7.488,PaO_27.46kPa, PaCO_24.66kPa。诊断:
Patient, female, 39 years old. Hospital number: 394333. Due to recurrent dyspnea with wheezing 4 years, 2 days aggravated on August 21, 1989 admission. Examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, pulse 110 beats / min, breathing 24 beats / min, blood pressure 16 / 10.8kPa (120 / 80mmHg). Sitting and breathing, cyanosis, tracheal center. Thorax was barrel, the lungs were ringing tone, auscultation of lungs covered with wheeze. Heart, abdominal examination showed no abnormalities. Chest radiograph shows: chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema. Laboratory tests: white blood cells 16.6 × 10 ° L, neutrophils 0.91, lymphocytes 0.09. Blood gas analysis: PH_7.488, PaO_27.46kPa, PaCO_24.66kPa. diagnosis: