在家庭楼台院落搞立体绿化,首乌藤应是首选良材。它是蓼科多年生缠绕藤本,性喜阴,较耐寒,植株中等,适应性强,病虫少,耐修剪,枝蔓茂密,姿态可爱。作花棚点缀,既实用又美观,还有经济效益,可谓一举多得: 1、立体绿化良材笔者在院内花架旁地栽1株盆栽2株,生长很快,特别是地栽苗长势更旺,数月即长满了用旧电线牵拉的网状花棚顶,并逐步取代了苇帘。夏末秋初黄白色花序布满枝头,不仅点缀了棚架,还可为兰花等半阴花卉遮荫。需说明的
Terrace in the family house to engage in three-dimensional afforestation, Shou Udon should be the preferred material. It is a polygonaceae Polygonaceae intertwined vine, sexual hi yin, more cold, medium-sized plants, adaptable, less pests and diseases, pruning, branches and dense, lovely posture. For the shed embellishment, both practical and beautiful, as well as economic benefits, can serve as much as one fell swoop: 1, three-dimensional green material I plant in the hospital next to planted a pot of 2 plants, grow rapidly, especially the growing Zai Miao more prosperous , A few months is covered with the old wire mesh stretching roof, and gradually replaced the reed curtain. Early summer and early fall yellowish white inflorescences covered with branches, not only embellished scaffolding, but also for half shade flowers such as orchids shade. Need to explain