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  Host: Our weekend edition host Scott Simon has put his mother’s stories on the air before. Well, recently, Scott has been telling a different story about his mother. She went into the 1)ICU over a week ago and last night she died. She was 84 years old. Scott has been tweeting the entire experience of sitting and sleeping at his mother’s bedside, a lyrical and quite public way of saying goodbye.
  Tell us how you ended up making this announcement on Twitter.
  Scott: You know, I have an active Twitter account, as you know. And when I first went to my mother in the ICU here in Chicago, more than a week ago at this point, I didn’t…I didn’t know it was going to be her deathbed. And I, of course, was hoping and praying that it wouldn’t be her deathbed. But she just was so interesting. She was funny and perceptive and bright and sparkling, and this is just something that I wanted to share.
  Host: One example from yesterday: I know the end might be near as this is the only day of my adulthood I’ve seen my mother and she hasn’t asked, “Why that shirt?”
  Scott: Yes, indeed. That was a constant source of 2)byplay between the two of us: “Why that shirt, why that shirt and tie?”—that sort of thing. You know, I…I always tried to dress well for her and I always felt I could never dress quite well enough for her. Although, I’m…I’m glad on the last day we had with each other, she looked up from her bed and said, “You really look lovely today.”
  Host: What was her understanding of you sharing this experience with so many people? I mean, you have 1.3 million followers on Twitter and that’s a lot of people to share what 3)ostensibly is a sacred moment.
  Scott: Well, I…I don’t think it’s any less sacred because it was shared with a lot of people. I mean, my mother was to a degree a public figure. And I didn’t tweet anything and wouldn’t have, that I didn’t think she would be totally comfortable with.
  But when she, for example—I think when the reality that these were her last few days, or even hours, was beginning to crash in on her, when she just looked up and said, “I guarantee you, those great deathbed speeches, they were all written in advance.” I mean, that’s just so funny and wise, I think it deserves to be shared.
  And when she told me, she said, “Honey, always take time with people in their 80s.” I hear her voice coming back into mind now: “Always take time with people in their 80s, because for more than a decade they’ve been looking right across the street at death and they know what’s really important in life.” I don’t know about you, but I’m—I can stand to hear that message.   She and I sang to each other a lot in…in the ICU. But a song that kept popping up and we kept singing to each other...is Nat King Cole singing“Unforgettable.”
  And I will hear that song again for the rest of my life. And I bet I will sing it to my wife and sing it to my children. I will never hear that song without thinking of my mother.

   Nat King Cole
  纳特·金·科尔是美国著名的黑人歌唱家。他原名Nathaniel Adams Coles,后得外号“歌王”(King)。他以唱民谣为主,嗓音略带沙哑,演唱自然、优美,在上世纪中期,他是美国最受欢迎的歌手之一。他最著名的歌曲包括:《圣诞歌》(The Christmas Song)、《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa)、《难忘的》(Unforgettable)等。他的女儿Natalie Cole也是有名的歌手。
  Unforgettable, that’s what you are/Unforgettable, tho’ near or far/Like a song of love that clings to me/How the thought of you does things to me/Never before has someone been more/Unforgettable, in every way/And forever more, that’s how you’ll stay/That’s why, darling, it’s incredible/That someone so unforgettable/Thinks that I am, unforgettable, too/Unforgettable, in every way/And forever more, that’s how you’ll stay/That’s why, darling, it’s incredible/That someone so unforgettable/Thinks that I am unforgettable, too.
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