“巴黎烧了吗?”这是纳粹德国头子恶魔希特勒在1944年8月巴黎解放前夕从他设在东普鲁士的腊斯顿堡大本营中向西线德军总司令部发出的电报中气急败坏地提出的一个问题。 在此以前,他看到盟军已包围了巴黎。巴黎市内抵抗运动各个派别的武装都已摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试,要想举行起义,解放这个世界上最美丽的城市,但是他不甘心失败,因此向巴黎德国守军下达了
“Did Paris burn?” This was the demon of Nazi Germany’s head Hitler, on the eve of the liberation of Paris in August 1944, was beaten up exasperatedly from the telegram to his headquarters in the West Germans’ Headquarters at East Fort Ruins in East Prussia one question. Before that, he saw that the Allies had surrounded Paris. The fighters of all factions in the resistance movement in Paris have taken the eagerness to try and hold an uprising to liberate the most beautiful city in the world. However, he was unwilling to fail and therefore sent a letter to the German defender in Paris