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语言是文化的一个重要组成部分,是文化传播的必要途径和表达方式。不同的民族,都有其独具特色的语言文化,也是一个民族特色和风格的文字反映。通过对一个民族的语言文化进行全面的认识和理解,能够感受到这个民族的文化魅力和民族特色。千万年以来,中华民族一直追求和渴望的就是幸福平安和吉祥如意,在这样的思想观念下,中国的吉祥文化得以发展和弘扬,因此,吉祥语是中华民族文化的一个重要组成部分,是中华民族的一个优良传统,值得我们当代人进行学习和传承。随着社会的不断进步和时代的变迁,吉祥语也在不断地丰富和发展,其中很多古语的使用在逐渐减少,而很多吉祥语至今仍被人们经常用到。因此,在这样不断变化的情况下,我们应当对汉语吉祥语进行全面深入的分析和探讨。随着汉语学习热度的提升以及民族文化的传播,针对吉祥语的研究也越来越多。本文首先阐明了吉祥语的概念界定,然后从特点、功能、构成等方面对吉祥语进行剖析和探讨,希望通过笔者的努力能够促进汉语吉祥语的进一步发展和传承。 Language is an important part of culture and is the necessary way and expression of culture. Different ethnic groups have their own distinctive language and culture as well as a national character and style. Through a comprehensive understanding and understanding of the language and culture of a nation, one can feel the cultural charm and national characteristics of this nation. Since thousands of years, the Chinese nation has been pursuing and longing for happiness, peace and good fortune. Under such a concept, the auspicious culture of China has been developed and promoted. Therefore, the auspicious language is an important part of the Chinese culture. A fine tradition of the Chinese nation deserves our contemporary study and inheritance. As society progresses and times change, auspicious words are constantly being enriched and developed, many of which are used less and more, and many auspicious words are still frequently used by people today. Therefore, under such constantly changing circumstances, we should conduct a comprehensive and in-depth analysis and discussion of Chinese auspicious words. With the promotion of Chinese learning and the spread of national culture, there are more and more studies on auspicious words. This paper first clarifies the definition of the auspicious language, and then analyzes and discusses the auspicious language in terms of its features, functions and composition, and hopes that through the author’s efforts, the further development and inheritance of the Chinese auspicious language will be promoted.
现代人所说的“压箱底”,一般是指看家的宝贝,或者压在箱底的值得珍藏的有一定意义的物件,又比喻看家的本领。  在古代,“压箱底”却是性教育的一种方式。  古人对于性教育,一向重视。据性文化研究专家介绍,“压箱底”是中国古代的一种性教育工具。它是一种瓷器,有的比拳头还小一些,外形多作水果状,有盖,内藏一对呈交合状的男女。平时,人们把它放在箱底以辟邪,到了女儿出嫁前,母亲把“压箱底”取出来,揭开盖以示女
摘要:网络作为新型媒体并日益发挥重要作用,广告产业从制作、宣传到测评越来越离不开互联网。微博作为互联网社交平台,2007年在中国诞生第一家微博网站——饭否网,如今国内五百强企业一半多已开通微博,微博广告也应运而生。本文在参考国外微博发展基础上,对当前微博广告优劣势进行分析并探究发展趋势。  关键词:微博;广告;微博广告  1.微博广告概述和特点  1.1微博。Micro-Blog ,就是微型博客,