自党中央、国务院决定实施西部大开发战略以来 ,我国有关西部大开发战略的研究和学术著作已不鲜见。这些研究大多把时间跨度定位在 1 0到 2 0年以内的中长期范围内 ,有的只是对西部发展现状和短期应对策略进行研究 ,从全局战略的高度对国家实施西部大开发战略的长期规划进行综
Since the party Central Committee and the State Council decided to implement the strategy of developing the western region, it is not uncommon for China’s research and academic work on the strategy of developing the west region. Most of these researches focus their time spans in the mid- and long-term range of 10 to 20 years. Some of them only study the current situation of the development of the western region and short-term coping strategies. From the perspective of the global strategy, the long-term planning of the national strategy for the large-scale development of the western region To be comprehensive