【目的】寻求能够提高高血压性中、大量脑出血临床疗效的救治方案。【方法】采用简单随机对照试验方法对 2 0 1例患者进行研究 ,治疗组 10 3例 ,对照组 98例 ;治疗组应用综合救治方案 (包括外科手术治疗、基础治疗和中医药辨证治疗 ) ,对照组应用外科手术治疗和基础治疗 ,西医治疗 ;治疗后 2 8d ,随访 6个月进行疗效评价。【结果】中西医综合救治的治疗组临床疗效较优 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;病死率较低 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;生存病人生活能力状态 (ADL)较好 (P =0 .0 0 2 ,P =0 .0 2 5) ;生存率和累计生存率较高(P <0 .0 1) ;合并症较少 (P =0 .0 0 1,P =0 .0 4 ) ;治疗后 3d、 7d生存病人的神志不清以及阳闭证喉中痰鸣、面赤身热、躁扰不宁等症状改善程度较优 (P <0 .0 1)。显示综合救治方案可提高高血压性中、大量基底节脑出血救治的临床疗效。本研究还显示高血压性中、大量脑出血闭证以阳闭证为主 ,清热、平肝、破瘀、涤痰、通腑、醒神是其基本治法 ;中医药在综合救治方案中的作用可能是降低并发症和并发症致死率。【结论】该方案疗效较为确切 ,值得进一步扩大样本 ,进行多中心合作的验证 ,以推广应用
【Objective】 The aim of this study is to find a remedy that can improve the clinical curative effect of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage. 【Methods】 A total of 103 patients in the treatment group and 98 patients in the control group were enrolled in this study. The patients in the treatment group received comprehensive treatment (including surgical treatment, basic treatment and traditional Chinese medicine) The control group received surgical treatment and basic treatment, Western medicine treatment; 28d after treatment, followed up for 6 months for evaluation. 【Results】 The results showed that the comprehensive treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine had better clinical efficacy (P <0.01), lower mortality, the difference was significant (P <0. 001), the survivors’ ) Was better (P = 0.002, P = .025); the survival rate and cumulative survival rate were higher (P <0.01); the number of complications was less (P = 0.010 , P = 0. 04). The symptoms of survival patients on the 3rd and 7th day after treatment were better than those of the control group (P <0.01) ). Show a comprehensive treatment program can improve the high blood pressure, a large number of basal-cerebral hemorrhage treatment of clinical efficacy. This study also shows that in hypertensive, a large number of cerebral hemorrhage card is mainly Yang-card, heat, Pinggan, Po Yu, Ditan, Tongfu, God is the basic rule of God; Chinese medicine in the comprehensive treatment program The effect may be to reduce the complication and mortality rate. 【Conclusion】 The curative effect of this program is more exact, it is worth to further expand the sample, the verification of multi-center cooperation to promote the application