
来源 :西北民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hoko0428
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十九世纪末二十世纪初,在新疆的塔里木盆地边缘地区和甘肃敦煌,随同多种古代语言文字的文书和文献之发现,也找到了属于中期伊朗语东支的塞语文书和文献。根据出土情况,塞语文书和文献可分为四群,即:今和田地区以及东至安得悦(Endere)诸遗址出土者,敦煌莫高窟藏经洞发现者,十九世纪八十年代末到本世纪初由驻喀什的英国总领事马继业(C.Macartney)、俄国总领事彼得罗夫斯基(Petrovsky)等人在当地通过购买等途径多方搜求的收集品,塔里木盆地其他地点的少量出土品。这些文书和文献在年代上绝大多数属于七至十世纪,在内容上绝大多数属于佛教典籍。这些塞语文书和文献的出土及其以后解读的成功揭示了如下已被湮没的史实: From the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century, on the margins of the Tarim Basin and Dunhuang in Gansu Province, along with the discovery of various ancient languages ​​and scripts and documents, Serb census documents and documents belonging to the eastern Iranian medium were also found. According to the unearthed situation, the Seychelles instruments and documents can be divided into four groups: those in the present-day Hetian area and the sites of Endere to the east, those found in the Cangjing Cave at the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, the 18th century From the end of this century to the beginning of this century, the British Consulate General in Carchus (C. Macartney), the Russian Consul General Petrovsky and others on the ground through the purchase of multi-channel acquisition of goods, a small amount of unearthed elsewhere in the Tarim Basin Product Most of these documents and documents belong to the 7th and 10th centuries in the age, and most of them belong to the Buddhist classics. The unearthed succession of these clerical instruments and documents and their subsequent interpretation reveals the following annihilation facts:
报春花(prinuia obconicall ance)属报春花科、报春花属,为多的生草本植物。在我国,常见的栽培品种有四季报春、藏报春、小花樱草、黄花樱草等。原产我国西南部,是深受我国
一、前言 离岸式码头通常建在近海深水区(图1),这意味着没有掩护,常年要遭受风、波浪和水流的袭击。 I. INTRODUCTION An offshore terminal is usually built in deep-wat