1983年9~11月,在晚熟梨中国梨(鸭梨、慈梨)和日本梨(爱宕)的果实上发生了很多腐败的症状,查其原因,明确了是由phormopsis 菌引起的病害,并命名为梨腐败病。关于本病的生态和防治是今后需探讨的问
From September to November 1983, a lot of corrupt symptoms occurred on the fruits of the Chinese pear (Yali Pear, Cicada) and Japanese pear (Atago) from the late-maturing pears. The reason for this was that the disease caused by the phormopsis bacterium was clearly identified. And named pear corruption. The ecology and prevention of this disease are the questions to be explored in the future