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陈霖,1971年出生于沈阳,现为辽宁省青年美术家协会会员,沈阳美术家协会会员,沈阳开明书画研究会理事。其绘画作品多次参加各种美展,2006年工笔仕女作品在辽宁省青年美展中获金奖。多幅作品被国内外画廊和友人收藏。陈霖在从事美术教育的同时,潜心致力于传统工笔仕女画的创作。陈霖的作品,多是表现古代情境中的仕女人物,大都保持着如诗如梦的格境,在闲雅温静的气氛中,古朴的色调,如真如幻,在感觉朦胧化的女性美中,表现出升华了的爱欲。她希望通过艺术创造把朴素的生命状态传达于人。其近期创作的作品在吸收唐代绘画的创作风格上,又糅进了画家对人物的见解,恰到好处地略作夸张变形,重视骨线笔墨,设色古雅,润色生动,异色入渗,陆离纷披。从品位上看,陈霖的工笔画作品是地道的传统风格与文人气息。她的绘画题材始终没有离开古代文人的闲情逸致,她所描绘的仕女,单纯清丽,平淡闲雅,富于教养,赏心悦目,创造出了融古今为一体的女性美。 Chen Lin, born in 1971 in Shenyang, is now a member of Liaoning Provincial Young Artists Association, a member of Shenyang Artists Association, and a member of Shenyang Open Painting Research Association. His paintings have participated in various art exhibitions many times. In 2006, his works have won the gold medal in Liaoning Province Youth Art Exhibition. A number of works by domestic and foreign galleries and friends collection. Chen Lin engaged in art education at the same time, with great concentration dedicated to the traditional beauty ladies painting creation. Chen Lin’s works are mostly ladylike persons in ancient situations. Most of them maintain the poetic mood. In the elegant and quiet atmosphere, the simple colors, such as illusory, feminine beauty , Showing the sublimation of the Eros. She hopes to convey the state of simple life through art creation. His recent works, which absorbed the creative style of the Tang Dynasty paintings, blend into the artist’s opinion of the figures, just slightly exaggerating the deformation, emphasizing the bone-line ink, setting quaint, vivid colors, infiltration of different colors, Phi Phi. From the taste point of view, Chen Lin’s works of art are authentic traditional style and literati flavor. Her painting theme has never left the freedom of the ancient literati. The ladies she describes are pure and elegant, elegant and elegant, rich in breed and pleasing, creating the beauty of the female body integrating the past and the present.
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目的:观察柏参洗剂体外抗阴道毛滴虫的效果.方法:采用倍半稀释法测定不同浓度柏参洗剂在不同时间对体外阴道滴虫的影响.结果:柏参洗剂在浓度为0.03125 mL· mL-1时即可表现杀
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