在体育教学中,有不少学校存在着一部分学生喜欢体育而不喜欢上体育课现象。学生喜欢自己玩,只是受考勤的约束,不得已勉强上课而已。即使上了体育课,也是出工不出力,根本达不到锻炼身体的效果。 为改变上述不良现状,笔者从激励学生学习兴趣入手,采用分组比赛法进
In physical education, there are many schools that exist in some students like sports and do not like the phenomenon of physical education. Students like to play on their own, only by the constraints of attendance, forced reluctance class only. Even if the physical education class, but also work hard, simply can not achieve the effect of physical exercise. To change the bad situation, I start from encouraging students to learn interest, the use of group competition method