主持人的话:本期我们继续介绍蛙泳的腿部动作英文语汇。____张梦雪(接上期)Then lift the head up and begin to kick(Fig 9,10).抬头吸气,开始蹬腿(图9,10)。Complete the kick and lift the legs to the surface.Repeat from the glide position.完成蹬腿动作,将脚上升到水面。由滑行姿势开始重复。
Host’s words: This issue we continue to introduce breaststroke leg movements English vocabulary. ____ Zhang Mengxue (accession period) Then lift the head up and begin to kick (Fig 9,10). Complete the kick and lift the legs to the surface. Repeat from the glide position. Repeat from taxiing position.