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深秋的天空,那么湛蓝,那么高远。同学们神采奕奕,容光焕发,他们抑制不住内心的激动,因为今天是学校体育节暨田径运动会开幕的大好日子!这次运动会就在学校的操场上举行。主席台上已经摆上了充气的拱门,上面写着“英山小学体育节暨田径运动会!”随着主持人一声令下:“运动会开幕式开始!”运动员就开始入场了,他们喊着响亮的口号,迈着整齐的步伐。当各班经过主席台时,都表演了一个小节目。有的班表演的是扇子舞,花花绿绿的可漂亮了; Autumn sky, so blue, so lofty. The students were radiant and radiant, and they could not stop their excitement because today is a good day for the opening of the School Physical Education Festival and Track and Field Games. The Games are held in the school playground. Podium has been put on the inflatable arches, which read “Yingshan Primary School Sports Festival and Track and Field Games!” With the host gave the order: “athletes will start the opening ceremony!” Athletes began to attend They shouted loud slogans, marching neatly. When the classes passed the podium, they all performed a small program. Some classes performed the fan dance, colorful can be beautiful;
目的 国外学者研究发现 Endoglin基因多态性与散发性脑出血有关 ,国内尚未见报道 ,我们的研究探讨了 Endoglin基因插入 /缺失 (I/ D)多态性与中国人群脑出血发病的相关关系