
来源 :中国土壤与肥料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanbing5
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苗木氮素指数施肥是以肥料中N的含量为指标来确定肥料施用量,进行指数施肥的施肥方式。指数施肥研究源于20世纪80年代的指数养分承载理论,90年代成为苗木施肥研究的热点,涌现了大量关于不同树种、不同供养量和供养配比的报道,2000年后开始关注施肥过程中苗木根系的变化及苗木出圃后的造林效果,现在苗木氮素指数施肥已成为国外容器苗培育的首选技术。这种苗木施肥方法具有比常规施肥方法更能有效提高氮肥利用率、改善苗木质量、提高造林成活率等特点,同时还可避免肥料浪费和减少环境污染。因此,苗木氮素指数施肥将对高质量苗木的培育和减少施肥产生的环境污染产生重大的实践意义。针对我国的苗木氮素指数施肥研究现状,后续可增强对经氮素指数施肥后的苗木的造林效果、大田试验以及氮素指数施肥和水分的合理搭配等实践生产技术的研究,促进氮素指数施肥在苗木生产上的应用。 Fertilizer nitrogen index fertilizer is based on the content of N in the fertilizer as an indicator to determine the amount of fertilizer applied to the index fertilization mode of fertilization. The exponential fertilization research originated from the theory of index nutrient load in the 1980s. In the 1990s, it became a hot spot in fertilization research of seedlings. A lot of reports about different tree species, different nutrient supplies and nutrient supply ratios emerged. After 2000, Changes in roots and seedlings out of nursery afforestation effect, and now nitrogen fertilizer application seedlings has become the preferred container seedling cultivation technology. This seedling fertilization method has the advantages of more effective nitrogen fertilizer utilization, better seedling quality and higher afforestation survival rate than the conventional fertilization methods, and can also avoid fertilizer waste and reduce environmental pollution. Therefore, nursery stock nitrogen index fertilization will have great practical significance for the cultivation of high-quality seedlings and reduce the environmental pollution caused by fertilization. In view of the status quo of nitrogen fertilizer application in nursery stock in our country, the afforestation effect of nursery stock after fertilization by nitrogen index, the field experiment and the rational production of nitrogen index fertilizers and water can be enhanced subsequently to promote nitrogen index Application of fertilization in seedling production.
仫佬族居住在广西北部山区一带,这里景色优美,风光宜人,素有“小桂林”之称。仫佬族同胞主要从事种植业与采集业。  仫佬族节日很多,也很独特,其最为隆重的首推春节与做“依饭节”。  买新水仫佬族有着自己独特的春节与传统的习俗活动——这便是“买新水”。它源于仫佬族对祖先的祭祀。古时,仫佬族人在父母去世时,孝子要到池边或河边痛哭一番,并散纸钱于水中,然后用竹筒等容器汲水回家为死去的父母举行洗身仪式,以表示
<正> 思想工作要讲究艺术,已是“不成为问题”的问题。只是对何种方法才能称之为“艺术”,目前尚小有争论,似还可以称作“问题”罢。本人对此知之甚少,愿提出一个小问题,就教
<正> 我做政治工作已有二十几年了。我体会到,新时期思想政治工作的一个侧面——人的思想转化工作,要讲点科学性。客观事物是怎么回事,就是怎么回事,既不能把实际问题当思想
<正> 我厂思想政治工作研究会成立四年来,在不断加强组织建设的基础上,较好地发挥了党委的参谋助手作用。我们的体会是: 坚持调查研究,注重研究的针对性第一,注意从企业各项