【摘 要】
China’s aluminium production and consumpti-on continued to grow steadily over the pastyear. According to an analysis report made byAntaike Information Develop
【出 处】
China Nonferrous Metals Monthly
China’s aluminium production and consumpti-on continued to grow steadily over the pastyear. According to an analysis report made byAntaike Information Development Co.Ltd.,thedomestic consumption for aluminum in 2000 isestimated to be around 3.4 million tons,up by17.24 per cent or 500,000tons compared to thatof the previous year.Production in 2000 was2.83million tons(initial data),which also grewby nearly 8 per cent year-on-year.
China’s aluminum production and consumpti-on continued to grow steadily over the pastyear. According to an analysis report made by Air China Information Development Co. Ltd., the domestic consumption for aluminum in 2000 is betily to be around 3.4 million tons, up by17.24 per cent or 500,000 tons compared to that of the previous year. Production in 2000 was 2.83 million tons (initial data), which also grew by nearly 8 per cent year-on-year.
国家与地区 1990年 1997年 1998年 1999年 2 0 0 0年 2 0 0 1年 2 0 0 2年中国 5 110 9115 12 112 8 13 4 15 4韩国 2 0 3 82 5 3 4 3 7 3 944中国台湾省 15 2 42 5 2 5 2 62
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April 18, 2001 ~ 19, Chi