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国外有句谚语讲“一头狮子带领一群羊,可以打败一只羊带领的一群狮子”。中国则讲“主帅不力,累及三军”,都是概括一把手的特殊地位和作用。毛主席讲“政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定因素”。是否也可以这样说:一个领导班子组成之后,一把手就是决定因素。一个被群众公认、事实证明的优秀领导者,他的成功大体需要有三个基本条件,那就是优秀的个人素质、良好的成长环境和工作环境,以及可供其施展才华的舞台。应该说处于相近的环境条件下,也都有大大小小的舞台可供施展才华,因此我可以说地区、部门工作上的差异和业绩的大小主要取决于负责同志个人素质的高低。 There is a saying abroad that “a lion leads a herd of sheep that can defeat a group of lions led by a sheep.” China said that “the coach is not strong and the three armed forces are involved.” They all sum up the special status and role of the top leaders. Chairman Mao said: “Cadres are the determining factor after the political line is established.” Can we say the same: After the formation of a leading body, the number one leader is the deciding factor. An outstanding leader who has been proven by the masses has basically three basic conditions for his success: good personal qualities, a favorable environment for growth and work, as well as a stage for his talent. It should be said that under similar environmental conditions, there are also large and small stage for talent development. Therefore, I can say that the differences in work and performance in different departments and departments mainly depend on the level of individual comrades in charge.
自开播以来,《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》这部本不被看好的仙侠剧频上热搜,杨紫在剧中扮演的锦觅:精致的巴掌脸,粉嘟嘟的嘴唇,纤细柔软的身材……这还是那个土肥圆的傻妞吗?从骨子里透着一股土气的“小雪”逆袭成仙侠剧古装女神,杨紫的变美秘籍是什么?减肥是一场精疲力竭的拉锯战  2004年,年仅11岁的杨紫在《家有儿女》中饰演高中优等生夏雪,成为家喻户晓的童星。少女时期的杨紫,满脸的婴儿肥,一双眼睛水汪汪的十分动人,