陶澍和魏源同为清道光时期卓有成效的改革家。陶澍官至两江总督,终老任所,道光帝晋赠太子太保,并谥“文毅”。魏源则长期为幕僚,宦海浮沉,仅官至高邮知州,且蒙冤革职,其志未伸。现在,魏源被公认为中国近代著名的思想家、改革家、爱国者。陶澍则无人问津。可见,陶澍与魏源在生前和死后的遭遇完全相反。但是,陶魏二人又同为近代地主阶级改革派的领袖和核心,思想相近,观点相同,友谊深厚,心心相印,是志同道合的好朋友。 陶澍(1779——1839)字子霖,号云汀,晚年自号髹樵,又号桃花渔者,湖南省安化县小淹乡陶家溪人。魏源(1794——1857)小陶澍十五
Tao Shu and Wei Yuantong were fruitful reformers in the Qing dynasty. Tao Shu Guan to Liangjiang governor, eventually the office, the Emperor Guangguang princesses entrusted with the CPIC, and 谥 “Wen Yi.” Wei Yuan is a long time as aides, officialdom floating, only official Gaoyou know state, and innocent revolution, its ambition not stretch. Now, Wei Yuan is widely recognized as a famous thinker, reformer and patriot in modern China. Tao Shu is nobody cares. Visible, Tao Shu and Wei Yuan during their lifetime and death exactly the opposite. However, both Tao and Wei are also the leaders and cores of the reformists of the modern landlord class. They share similar ideals, the same points of view, profound friendship and close association with one another, and are like-minded friends. Tao Shu (1779--1839) The word Zi Lin, Yunting number, old age Qiao Qiao, No. peach fisherman, Anhua County, Hunan Province submerged Township Taoxi people. Wei Yuan (1794--1857) Xiao Tao Shu fifteen