
来源 :江苏钱币 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meiwanmeiliao2
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尊敬的周行长、各位领导、代表们:大家上午好!今天,省钱币学会在这里隆重召开第七次会员代表大会,来自全省钱币理论研究工作者和金融工作者会聚一堂,全面总结上一届学会工作,确定今后的工作目标和任务,选举产生新一届理事会,推动学会发展上新的台阶。这是我省钱币学界的一件喜事,必将对今后的学会工作以及全省钱币理论研究,起到积极的推动作用。我谨代表省社科联向会议的召开以及新一届理事会的产生表示热烈祝贺! Dear Governor Zhou, Dear leaders and deputies, Good morning everyone! Today, the Provincial Institute of Coin held a grand meeting of the 7th member congress here. The coinage researchers and financial workers from all over the province gathered to summarize the previous session Learn to work to determine the future objectives and tasks, the election of the new Council elected to promote the Institute to a new level. This is a happy event for the province’s coinage industry and will surely play a positive role in promoting the study of the future and the coinage theory in the province. On behalf of the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, I would like to extend my warmest congratulation to the convening of the conference and the new council.