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院士制度是党和国家尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造的集中体现,也是世界各国普遍实行的一项基本制度。长期以来,我国院士制度在推动科技界出思想、出谋略、出成果、出人才方面发挥了重大作用。经过近60年的发展,已形成了以院士章程为基础的制度体系。从发展角度看,我国科技正从过去以跟踪追赶为主,转向自主创新、跨越发展为主,我国科技人才特别是高端人才队伍建设也呈现出快速发展的良好势头,院士 The academician system is a concentrated expression of respect for labor, knowledge, talent and respect for creation by the party and the state and is also a basic system universally practiced in various countries in the world. For a long time, the academician system in our country has played a significant role in pushing forward the ideas, strategies, achievements and talents of science and technology circles. After nearly 60 years of development, a system of institutions based on the statutes of academicians has been formed. From a development perspective, science and technology in our country are mainly tracking and catching up, turning to independent innovation and leapfrogging development. The construction of China's scientific and technological personnel, especially the high-end qualified personnel also shows a good momentum of rapid development. Academicians
小书虫特喜欢语文,在语文学习中对诗又情有独钟。这不,他正在津津有味地诵读着王安石的《泊船瓜洲》:“京口瓜洲一水间,钟山只隔数重山。春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还?”……  读着读着,小书虫的脑中忽然冒出了一个奇特的想法:课本中那么多精美的课文,精彩的故事,我们在学习时,能不能也把课文变成一首首精巧的诗呢?于是他赶紧去找陆老师,把自己的想法告诉了陆老师。陆老师听后夸奖小书虫学习真会动脑,并叫小书虫自