一、江西瑞昌出土的唐代佛具 1988年秋,在瑞昌县发现了几件唐墓中出土的青铜佛具残片,经精心修复,已恢复原貌。计有鎏金青铜塔形顶合子与鎏金青铜塔式镇柄香炉各1件。鎏金青铜塔形顶合子,由顶、腹、座三部分构成,腹径8、通高约14厘米。顶呈圆柱塔刹形,腹为圆球体,底座呈喇叭形。圆柱塔刹形顶由四轮重圈分隔为五层,每一重圈由重叠的粗细螺旋齿轮组成,每层均饰以精美的方格纹、辐射状细条纹,方格纹内有小圆
First, the Jiangxi Ruichang Buddhism found in the Tang Dynasty in the autumn of 1988, found in Ruichang County Tang unearthed some bronze Buddha fragments, after careful repair, has been restored to its original appearance. There are a gold bronze tower-shaped top zygotem gold bronze tower handle censer and a. Gold bronze tower-shaped top zygote, from the top, abdomen, seat composed of three parts, 8 diameter, through height of about 14 cm. Top cylindrical tower brake-shaped, abdominal round body, the base was horn-shaped. Cylindrical tower brake-shaped roof separated by four wheel re-divided into five layers, each heavy circle by the thickness of overlapping spiral gear, each layer are decorated with exquisite square pattern, radial thin stripes, checkered within the small circle