Reaction dynamics for photoproductions of baryon resonances

来源 :中国物理C(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ryan
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The study of exotic structure of hadrons is fully achieved when reaction dynamics of the associ-ated hadron productions is well understood. We employ as the standard mechanism the effective Lagrangian method and investigate several physical observables within the framework. The parameters are constrained by microscopic description of hadrons. We discuss photoproductions of kaon associated with the ground state A(1116) and its resonances A(1405) and A(1520). In the former example we emphasize the meson cloud effect which significantly renormalizes the pheuomenological parameters, while in the latter we discuss the features of the standard method. Finally we discuss briefly the production of ηπ associated with the nucleon resonance N(1535) for the study of chiral symmetry of baryons.
目的:建立UFLC法测定复方氨酚烷胺片中对乙酰氨基酚和咖啡因的含量.方法:shim-pack XR-ODSII C18柱(75mm×2.0mm,2.2μm),以0.058 mol·L-1的磷酸二氢铵溶液-甲醇-三乙胺(80:
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