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盗墓,是渊源古远的社会文化现象。盗墓行为,是和人们起初随葬生活消费品的情形同时发生的。厚葬风行,则盗墓益盛。盗墓的出发点,有的出自财产追求,有的出自复仇心理,又有其他复杂的文化因素。盗墓有诸种形式,有民间自发的盗墓,又有军政权势集团组织的盗墓。在中国古代 Tomb, ancient and distant source of social and cultural phenomenon. Tomb robbery occurs at the same time as the situation in which people first buried consumer goods. Burial popular, then the tomb Yisheng. Tomb of the starting point, some from the pursuit of property, some from revenge, there are other complex cultural factors. Tomb there are various forms, there are spontaneous tomb robbery, military and political groups organized by the Tomb. In ancient China
针对采油废水中含有多环芳烃种类多且较难去除的特点,采用UV-Fenton技术对采油废水中多环芳烃的处理效果进行了研究,通过正交实验和单因素实验,研究了在254 nm波长紫外光照射