胎儿血标本采取 FBS 的成功为先天性缺陷的产前诊断及估价胎儿状态开辟了一个新的领域。Saling 于1960年进行了第一例临产时破膜后在羊膜镜下经胎儿头皮小切口取头皮血标本。血标本可行血气检查。这一技术很快即成为产程中估计胎儿状态的标准方法。直到1972年才有第一例于妊娠期成功采取胎儿血标本的报道。Valenti 使用一种改良的儿科膀胱镜,带有18Fr 椭圆套管的刀从胎儿脐带上取血,此例于中期妊娠患者行子宫切开术时进行。
The success of fetus blood samples taken with FBS opens up a new field for prenatal diagnosis of congenital defects and evaluation of fetal status. Saling in 1960, the first cases of rupture of membranes after childbirth in the amniotic microscopic small incision through the scalp to take scalp blood specimens. Blood samples feasible blood gas examination. This technique quickly became the standard method of estimating fetal status during labor. It was not until 1972 that the first case of fetus blood samples taken during pregnancy was reported. Valenti uses a modified pediatric cystoscope with an 18Fr elliptical cannula to take blood from the fetus’s umbilical cord. This is done during a hysterectomy in a medium-term pregnancy.