柑桔是我县的一项特产。全县有结果树1.5万株,常年年产柑桔50万斤。1958年,从外地引种时因检疫不严,致使柑桔吹绵蚧传入我县,1961年沙洲公社移山大队桔树受害成灾。此后便沿汉江两岸和郧县至十堰市的公路两旁向四面蔓延。到1970年,除几个离虫源较远的桔园未发现外,均普遍受害,全县被害桔树达总株数的86%以上。桔树受害后,枝枯叶黄,并诱发烟煤病,使全树变黑,产量下降,严重时整株枯死。几年来,桔树枯死9.3%,个别虫害中心区高达90%。1971年全县柑桔总产量下降到17.2万斤。 吹绵蚧发生后,我县曾用多种化学药剂进行防治,但由于药剂不足;成本较高,使
Citrus is a specialty of my county. The county has the result of 15000 trees, perennial annual output of 500000 kilograms of citrus. In 1958, introduced from the field due to lack of inspection and quarantine, resulting in citrus flowering cottonseeds into my county, 1961 Shazhou commune moving orange brigade citrus trees disaster. From then on along the Han River and Yun County to Shiyan City on both sides of the road spread to all directions. By 1970, except for a few orange orchards far away from the source of the insects, they were commonly victimized. The total number of trees harmed by the county reached more than 86%. Orange tree victims, the dead leaves yellow, and induced bituminous coal disease, so that the whole tree black, the output decreased, severe whole plant died. In recent years, dead orange trees 9.3%, individual pest center area up to 90%. In 1971 the county’s total output of citrus dropped to 172,000 kg. After blowing the cotton seed Kuwana, my county has used a variety of chemical agents for prevention and treatment, but due to lack of reagents; higher costs, so that