采用工业频率(42-50-60 Hz)进行工作的感应熔化炉,一般称为工频感应(简称工频炉)。使用工频炉熔化铸铁是铸造方面的一项比较新的技术。目前,这一技术在国内已引起重视。本文对无铁心感应炉和沟槽式感应炉的炉型、特点、原理、炉衬、炉衬材料、电源装置等作了比较详细的介绍,供铸造生产部门的广大工人和技术人员及其他有关人员了解一些国外工频炉的情况。
Induction melting furnaces operating at industrial frequencies (42-50-60 Hz), commonly referred to as power frequency induction (referred to as power frequency furnaces). The use of industrial frequency furnace melting cast iron is a relatively new technology in casting. At present, this technology has drawn great attention in China. This paper introduces the furnace type, characteristics, principle, lining, lining materials, power supply device of ironless induction furnace and groove induction furnace in more detail for the majority of workers and technicians in casting production department and other relevant personnel to understand Some foreign workers furnace frequency situation.