提起鼓吹乐,耳边似有“短箫铙歌”“鼓角横吹”之余韵缭绕。千年史变,无论是军骑威仪,还是宫廷飨宴,甚或村野婚丧、庙堂祭祀,鼓吹乐那经久不衰而富于生命的存在就象是一部实实在在摆在我们面前的打开了的中国传统音乐之史鉴。 面对这部史鉴,“首届中国民间鼓吹乐学术研讨会”主办者提出—— “初步梳理鼓吹乐形成、传播、发展的历史脉络,理清它在各个历史时期与其它传统音乐类别的关系及其作为传统乐种的文化含义; “初步探明各地民间鼓吹乐的地理分布及其在当前的生存状况; “提出有关一些代表性南北方鼓吹乐品种的调查报告、专题研究新成果;
Mentioned drums, ears seem to have “short flute Acura” “Drum angle horizontal blowing” Yu Yun filled. Millennium change, whether it is the military riding dignitaries, or the court feast, or even Murao weddings and funerals, temple worship, advocate music that enduring and life-like existence is like a really open in front of us History of Chinese traditional music. In the face of this historical review, the organizers of the First Academic Symposium on Folk Drum in China Proposed - “to preliminarily sort out and promote the historical context of the formation, spread and development of music and clarify its relationship with other traditional musical categories in various historical periods And its cultural meaning as a traditional musical genre; ”to tentatively ascertain the geographical distribution of folk music in various localities and their current living conditions;" to submit some survey reports and special studies on some well-known music breeds in North and South China;