编辑同志: 去年底,我到镇沅县半坡乡进行森林调查,了解到这个前年九月因连日暴雨,形成洪灾,造成了严重损失的情况。据统计,全乡就有十四个村,一百三十户受灾;冲毁水田八十五点四亩,冲走稻谷二万九千九百九十斤,米三千七百一十五斤;四户、三十一人和铁厂小学被迫搬迁。经调查了解和现场观察,造成这次洪灾究其原因主要有二。一是雨量过于集中。二是多年来,毁林开荒和对陡坡森林成片皆伐,破坏了森林植被,
Editor’s Comrade: At the end of last year, I went to the Banpo Township in Zhenyuan County to conduct a forest survey. I learned of the heavy losses caused by heavy rains in September this year. According to statistics, there are 14 villages in the township and 130 ones are affected; the paddy fields are destroyed by 85.4 mu, leaving 27,900 kilograms of paddy rice and 3,715 kilograms of rice Kg; Four, 31 and Ironworks Primary School were forced to relocate. After investigation and understanding and on-site observation, there are two main reasons for this flood. First, the rainfall is too concentrated. Second, over the years, deforestation and wasteland clearing the steep slopes of forests become clear-cut, undermining the forest vegetation,