近期,赛龙PC频道的“专家支招”备受关注,许多朋友纷纷来信来mail,向我们诉说攒机过程的喜怒哀乐,现截取一则,以飨读者,并欢迎读者与我们常联系——PC@SINOi.com 北京市西城区金融大街35号国际企业大厦B座1618 PC频道邮政编码:100032 读者来信我想在近期攒一台PⅢ500或550 CPU,64MB以上内存,10GB左右的硬盘,TNT2或Voodoo3(因我不知道哪个好)芯片的显示卡,17寸数控彩显,56k猫,彩色喷墨打印机家用分辨率不一定很高,经济一点的。机箱电源好一点,总体价格越便宜越好。综合网友的需求,为你推荐一款经济性的高档配置。CPU选择了500E,放弃550E的原因很简单,只
Recently, the “Expert Weapon” of Seron PC Channel has drawn much attention. Many of my friends have sent letters to mail to tell us about the joy and sorrow of Zanji. We are now taking a copy to readers and welcome readers to keep in touch with us --PC@SINOi.com 1618 PC Tower, International Enterprise Building, 35 Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China PC: Postcode: Post a free quote in the mail I want to save a PIII500 or 550 CPU, 64MB or more memory, 10GB hard drive, TNT2 or Voodoo3 (because I do not know which one is good) chip display card, 17 inch CNC color display, 56k cat, color inkjet printer home resolution is not necessarily high and economical. Chassis power is better, the overall price cheaper the better. Based on the needs of users, you recommend an economical upscale configuration. CPU chose 500E, give up 550E reason is very simple, only