不知从何时起,我喜欢上了街拍,成为很多人所说的“扫街族”、“街拍客”其中的一员。每当穿梭在时尚街区或流连于市井街头,我的镜头就会对准那些来自各地的人们。这时,一部体积小巧,性能强悍的数码相机,就成为我“捕风捉影”时必不可少的“武器”。新上市的佳能EOS 650D,以小巧的机身、强大的新增功能以及很高的性价比等特色,很快成为我的街拍新宠。
I do not know since when, I like the street beat, as many people say “Street Sweeper ”, “Street beat guest ” one of them. Whenever the shuttle in the fashion district or hang around the streets in the city, my lens will be aimed at those who come from all over. At this time, a compact, powerful digital camera, it became essential to my “catching the wind” “weapon ”. The newly launched Canon EOS 650D, with its compact body, powerful new features and high price / performance features, quickly became the new favorite in my street.