1 2004年国内稻米市场回顾 1.1 受政策支持,2004年国内粮食大幅增产,3大谷物产 量同时增加 1.1.1 全国粮食总产激增经国家统计局初步核算,2004 年粮食总产量达4695亿公斤,比上年增产388亿公斤,增 长9.0%,扭转了1999年以来连续5年下降的局面;粮食单 产每667平方米308公斤,比上年增长6.6%。粮食单产和当 年粮食增产量均创历史最高水平。
1 Review of the domestic rice market in 2004 1.1 Supported by policies, the domestic grain output increased sharply in 2004 and the output of the three major cereals increased at the same time. 1.1.1 The National Grain Output Rise According to preliminary calculations by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the total grain output in 2004 reached 469.5 billion kg, A year-on-year increase of 38.8 billion kilograms and an increase of 9.0%, reversing the drop of 5 consecutive years since 1999; grain yield per square kilometer was 308 kilograms, an increase of 6.6% over the previous year. Grain yields and cereal production increased year-on-year to record highs.