苏联欧洲部分和西伯利亚地质剖面的研究表明:Н.С.沙茨基在前寒武纪后期地层中划出的里菲界可以清楚地分为两个岩层成分彼此显然不同的组合。 1.下部组合(震旦组合)在俄罗斯陆台缺失。在乌拉尔,它包含布尔疆岩系和育尔马丁岩系(乌拉尔的下、中里菲界),由两个完整的沉积旋回组成。在下旋回的上部含有很多的钙钠斜长斑岩。在西伯利亚这两个旋回表现得不够清楚。在很多剖面中分布着碳酸岩
A study of the continental sections of the Soviet Union and Siberia shows that the Griffith field drawn by Н.С. Shatzki in the Precambrian strata can be clearly divided into two distinctly different combinations of rock formations. 1. The lower combination (Aurora combination) is missing in Russia. In the Urals, it contains the Boerjiang and Yelmadingan series (Lower and Middleriffian of the Urals), which consists of two complete sedimentary cycles. In the upper part of the next cycle contains a lot of calcium sodium plagioclase porphyry. In Siberia these two cycles did not perform well enough. Carbonates are distributed in many sections