
来源 :农民致富之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gulongliu
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黑龙江省是大豆的主产区,近年来大豆病虫害经常发生,严重影响了大豆的产量和品质。下面就大豆主要病虫害防治技术做以下介绍。一、大豆霜霉病大豆霜霉病危害幼苗、叶片和子粒。当第一片真叶展开后,沿叶脉两侧出现褪绿斑块。成株叶片表面呈圆形或不规则形,边缘不清晰的黄绿色星点,后变褐色,叶背生灰白色霉层。病粒表面黏附灰白色的菌丝层,内含大量的病菌卵孢子。病菌以卵孢子在种子上和病叶里越冬,成为来年初侵染 Heilongjiang Province is the main producing area of ​​soybeans. In recent years, soybean diseases and pests often occur, seriously affecting the yield and quality of soybeans. The following main soybean pest control technology to do the following introduction. First, soybean downy mildew Soybean downy mildew damage seedlings, leaves and grains. When the first true leaf unfolds, there are chlorotic patches along the veins. Adult leaves were round or irregularly shaped surface, the edge is not clear yellow-green star point, after the brown, leaf back gray mold layer. Gray particles attached to the surface of mycelium layer, containing a large number of bacteria oospores. Pathogenic bacteria to oospores on the seeds and leaves in winter, as early as next year infection