作者采用一种国际标准实验动物——大型水蚤(Daphnia Magna)进行了单一毒物及工业废水毒性的研究,认为大型(氵蚤)是一个理想的实验生物。大型(氵蚤)测试法在环境毒理学中占有重要的位置,它是一个经济、快速、简便和敏感的试验方法,值得推广。
The authors used an international standard laboratory animal, Daphnia Magna, to study the toxicity of single poisons and industrial wastewaters and found that large-scale (Daphnia magna) is an ideal experimental organism. Large-scale (Daphnia magna) test occupies an important place in environmental toxicology. It is an economical, rapid, simple and sensitive test method worthy of promotion.