长时间吸高浓度氧会损伤肺组织。动物实验证明持续吸氧(F_1O_2=0.4)3~4d往往死于氧中毒引起的严重呼吸窘迫。Pratt收集多中心协作的资料也发现尸检时肺病理改变的严重性与F_1O_2乘以暴露时间的积密切相关。不过也有报道新生儿用F_1O_2=0.8~0.95作长时间高频喷射通气死后肺病理检查未见氧造成的损害。Singer等报道2组心脏手术病人分别用纯氧或<40%的氧通气48h未见后果或肺内分流的差异。因此设想病态肺的耐氧(oxygen tolerance)可能与正常肺不同。作者收集1985~1994年10年间ICU中连续用90%以上的氧机械通气48h的急性呼衰病人74例。全部病人均按标准记录入院时和吸高浓度氧以及简化的急性生理指数(SAPS)、脏器衰竭数(OSF)、Murray计分(不含
Long-term high concentration of oxygen will damage lung tissue. Animal experiments show that continuous oxygen (F_1O_2 = 0.4) 3 ~ 4d often died of severe respiratory distress caused by oxygen poisoning. Data from Pratt’s collection of multicentre collaborations also found that the severity of lung pathological changes at necropsy was closely related to the product of F 1 O 2 times exposure time. However, there are also reports of neonatal F_1O_2 = 0.8 ~ 0.95 for long-term high-frequency jet ventilation after death of lung pathology did not see oxygen damage. Singer et al reported two groups of patients with cardiac surgery with pure oxygen or <40% oxygen ventilation 48h no consequences or pulmonary shunt differences. Therefore, it is assumed that the oxygen tolerance of pathological lungs may be different from that of normal lungs. The authors collected 74 cases of acute respiratory failure patients who continuously ventilated for more than 90% of the oxygen in the ICU for 48h during the 10 years between 1985 and 1994. All patients were admitted to the hospital according to the standard and high concentration of oxygen as well as a simplified acute physiological index (SAPS), organ failure (OSF), Murray scoring (excluding