实施全县大病住院保险 发展完善合作医疗

来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:china_huohou
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1全县大病统筹的目的1.1进一步加大统筹力度全县农村大病住院统筹,比镇办镇管更加加大了统筹力度,增强了资金的周转余地,更有利于全县农民互助共济,解决大病重病病人困难。1.2全县大病重病人受益面均等镇办镇管合作医疗,由于各镇经济实力有强弱,大病病人医疗费补偿差距 1 The purpose of the County’s major disease co-ordination 1.1 Further strengthen the overall planning and coordination of the county’s rural major hospitals, more than the town and township management to increase the overall planning efforts, and enhance the capital turnover, more conducive to the county’s farmers to help each other To solve the problem of seriously ill patients. 1.2 The county’s critically ill patients benefit from equal treatment, township and township management of cooperative medical care, due to the strength of each town’s economic strength, the compensation gap for medical expenses for patients with major diseases