基因治疗缺血性脑中风的动物实验研究在武汉华中科大同济医院获得成功。这标志着中国在基因治疗脑血管疾病领域的研究取得重要进展。缺血性脑中风是中国发病率较高的一种脑血管疾病 ,死亡率、致残率均相当高。目前临床上常见的治疗方法是溶栓。由于该方法药物很难通过头部血脑
Animal experimental study of gene therapy of ischemic stroke in Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology was successful. This marks an important step forward in China’s research in the field of gene therapy of cerebrovascular diseases. Ischemic stroke is a cerebrovascular disease with a high incidence in China, with high mortality and morbidity. Currently the most common clinical treatment is thrombolysis. Due to the method the drug is difficult to pass through the head blood brain