类间间隔和类内聚类性是影响分类器分类性能的两种重要因素.基于模糊支持向量机和总间隔思想,提出一种基于总间隔的模糊v-相对间隔机(TMF-vRMM),本方法本质上是传统相对间隔机(RMM)的扩展,但可取得比RMM更好的分类性能.TMF-vRMM通过使用差异成本和引入总间隔和模糊隶属度,同时解决了不平衡训练样本问题和传统软间隔分类机RMM的过拟合问题,显著提升学习机的泛化能力.分别采用人造和实际数据集进行分类实验,结果显示TMF-vRMM具有优于相关方法的稳定分类性能.“,”The between-class margin and within-class cohesion are two important factors impacting on the performance of classifiers. This paper presents a novel classifier called total margin based fuzzy v-relative margin machine (TMF-vRMM) based on the idea of fuzzy support vector machine (FSVM) and total margin. Although it can be seen as a modified class of the classic RMM, TMF-vRMM has better theoretical classification performance than RMM. The proposed method solves not only the over-fitting problem resulted from outliers with the approaches of fuzzification of the penalty and total margin algorithm, but also the imbalanced datasets by using different cost algorithm, thus obtaining a lower generalization error bound. Experimental results obtained with synthetic and real datasets respectively show that the algorithm proposed in the paper is stable and superior to other related diagrams.