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钢琴即兴伴奏是一项综合性很强的技能,也是音乐教师必备的基本功,要掌握好这项技能,就要求弹奏者必须有一定的钢琴演奏技巧、良好的和声理论基础、辨别音响的敏锐听力、欣赏音乐的高度修养,还要有一定复调水平及作品分析能力,同时钢琴即兴伴奏与钢琴演奏以及和声、试唱练耳、音乐欣赏、作品分析等理论课程的学习有着及其密切的内在联系。 Piano improvisational accompaniment is a very comprehensive skill, but also the essential basic skills of music teachers, to master this skill, requires the player must have some piano skills, a good basis for harmony theory, identify the sound , But also have a certain degree of polyphonic level and the ability to analyze works, at the same time, piano improvisational accompaniment and piano playing as well as harmony, trial and ear training, music appreciation, works analysis and other theoretical courses have and Its close internal connection.
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