面前的于复新董事长虽已年过半百,但眼睛里的光芒仍然能让人感觉到这是一个浑身充满干劲的实干家。于复新的生活经历可谓丰富,下过乡、经过商、做过兼职律师。每走一步,他都不允许自己失败,于是在大江南北留下了他一个个成功的足迹。这并非是上天特意的眷顾,而在于于复新本人的努力,还有他大刀阔斧的干劲和永不退缩的冲劲。要说起来,于复新并不能说是公路界的老人,甚至算作是新人也不为过,因为他在公路系统工作的时间也不过四年。可就是这四年,于复新却做了不少让人注目的大事,令业内人士也为之震撼。 1998年,随着天津彩虹大桥的建成通车,于复新被任命为彩虹路桥公司总经理,负责经营管理彩虹桥。从此以后,于复新就把彩虹桥当成了自家的自留
In front of the new chairman of the new more than half, but the eyes of the light still make people feel that this is a whole body full of energy doers. Yu Foxin new life experiences can be described as rich, off the countryside, after the business, did part-time lawyer. With every step he did not allow himself to fail, leaving him a successful footprints all over the country. This is not God’s special blessing, but rather to re-create their own efforts, as well as his bold energy and never-ending momentum. To put it in a nutshell, Yu Fok Hsin can not be said to be an elderly man in the highway industry. It is not even considered a newcomer because he has only spent four years working in the highway system. But it is these four years, has done a lot of people in the new focus of events, so that the industry is also shocked. In 1998, with the opening of Tianjin Rainbow Bridge, Yu Fuxin was appointed as the general manager of Rainbow Road & Bridge Company, responsible for the operation and management of Rainbow Bridge. Since then, Yu Fuxin put the Rainbow Bridge as their own residence