科学家最近在立体电视研究方面取得新进展,他们研制成功的立体电视不需要观众戴特殊的立体眼镜。 日本三洋公司研制出的立体电视采用了特殊的光线投射技术。人看真实物体时左眼所看到的图像与右眼看到的图像略有不同,这种新型立体电视就采用了这一原理。当拍摄电视图像时,需用2架摄像机同时拍摄,这2架摄像机相隔6.5厘米,与人左右眼距离相同。放映时,两种图像投射到一个外凸的电视屏幕上,这一屏幕使得左边摄像机拍到的图像传到观众的左眼,右边的传到右眼,这样观众就看到栩栩如生的立体画面了。 英国科学家拉西姆·纳德发明的立体电视则采用了另外一种原理。当人眼看一个真实物体时,视线是聚焦在这一物体上的,而这一物体前面和后面的物体都是虚影。纳德发明的这种立体电视也采用相隔一
Recently, scientists have made new progress in stereoscopic television research. The successful development of stereoscopic television does not require spectators to wear special stereoscopic glasses. Japan's Sanyo developed a three-dimensional TV using a special light projection technology. The image seen by the left eye when the person looks at the real object is slightly different from the image seen by the right eye, and this new stereoscopic television adopts this principle. When shooting television images, the need to use two cameras at the same time shooting, the two cameras separated by 6.5 cm, with the human left and right eyes the same distance. During the screening, the two images project onto a convex TV screen, which allows the image captured by the left camera to reach the viewer's left eye and the right to the right so that the viewer can see a lifelike stereo picture . The stereoscopic television invented by British scientist Rassim Nader uses another principle. When the human eye looks at a real object, the line of sight is focused on this object, and the objects in front of and behind the object are all ghosts. Nader invented this type of stereoscopic television is also separated by one