在年初受到卫生部隆重表彰的100名职业卫生先进工作者之中,荣列榜首的是已届耄耋之年的刘世杰教授。他今年87岁高龄了。表彰大会开幕式上,由于阴差阳错,他未能出席,记者为没有亲睹刘老的风采而深感遗憾。近日,记者在职业卫生表彰办公室采访了有关同志,了解到一些情况。 1943—1945年,刘老任华北医药卫生委员会防疫处处长,并兼任北大医学院、华北卫生学院公共
Among the top 100 advanced workers in occupational health who were commended by the Ministry of Health at the beginning of this year, Professor Liu Shijie, who has been on the eve of his death, topped the list. He is 87 years old this year. Commending the opening ceremony of the General Assembly, he was not able to attend because of his mistakes. The reporter deeply regretted that he had not seen the old style of Liu Lao. Recently, the reporter interviewed the relevant comrades in the Office of Occupational Health Recognition and learned some things. 1943-1945, Liu Lao North China Medical and Health Committee Director of Prevention Department, and part-time Peking University School of Medicine, North China Public Health Public